Our Purpose
"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up." - John Holmes
The modernized climate of the Bay Area has led to many benefits and advancements in our world. But with this acceleration of technology, there come repercussions, primarily, electronic waste (e-waste) . Our non-profit has initiated e-waste projects throughout California, such as collecting tens of thousands of pounds or waste to speaking publicly about its dangers. Not only is our vision is to expand awareness about e-waste, but also to educate in STEM, where we teach competitive Math and Computer Science curriculum, and to raise funding from our projects to sustain those in need. We currently are working on expanding our coverage on targeting hazardous waste, by incorporating household waste product drives (more information will be updated this year of 2022).
Working for a Change
In the past years, we have collected nearly 25,000 pounds of electronic waste. We then recycle waste at electronic stewardship recycling centers, which are environmentally approved. Our collection sites range from city libraries to local parks and neighborhoods, and we have spoken at the Milpitas City Hall about e-waste. Our partnered organization, Coding Cosines, teaches Computer Science and competition math to all kids for free. Right now, we expanding branches into Canada and Sri Lanka while also partnering with businesses to create funding for the needy. The funding will mainly go to citizens in California undergoing extreme poverty alongside with the development of third-world nations.
Keep the Bay Beautiful has a new potential vision of expanding the products we offer to collect. Aside from electronic waste, we are looking to start minimizing the impacts of other common household wastes that majority of people are unaware about. In fact on average, each household has about 3-8 gallons of hazardous waste in their household at this moment. We plan to hold household hazardous waste drives in addition to our traditional electronic waste collections at the Milpitas Library and other community parks in the near future. Details for these events will be given once the event is confirmed.