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Projects 2020

We hope to gather enough electronic waste to be able to sell collections to retailers and other facilities. With this money, we will work on bettering not only the Bay Area, but also donating to third world countries. Locally, we hope to provide school supplies to the underprivileged and orphanages alongside with donations to the homeless. With this, we not only help the environment but also the people in need.


eWasteCollection & Awareness Promotion - Warm Springs Park

Help Seniors beat COVID 19 Isolation:

- Keep Bay Area Beautiful wants to help seniors by providing them with refurbished tablets, smart phones to overcome isolation and training them on how to use modern technology.

We are now serving Seniors in the Fremont and Milpitas areas. 


Please contact us via phone or email to obtain a refurbished tablet or smart phone.  


We appreciate your generous donations of working devices to support our mission.  Keep Bay Area Beautiful is a non-profit corporation exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of US law. 

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© 2017-2023 Keep the Bay Beautiful, California, non-profit, 501(c)


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